Newsletter Archive
Spring 2024
Dear PCA Families,
I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!
We will have Adoration on Wednesday, January 17 from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM in the PCA Chapel. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
January 26th is our 100th day of school! Students can dress down on this day with PCA spirit wear or blue shirts. All dress down day rules apply. Students who do not follow dress down day rules will be given a uniform from the uniform closet to change into unless a parent can bring a change of clothes.
Catholic Schools Week is quickly approaching! More information will be sent home soon!
Dear PCA Families,
I hope everyone stayed warm during the cold spell last week! Looking forward to warmer temperatures this week!
If your child has "lost" any non-Palmer clothing items, please let us know! We have a large bag full of items that will be donated to Good Will at the end of the month.
We will continue with our weekly Adoration on Wednesday, January 24 from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM in the PCA Chapel. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Friday is our 100th day of school! Students can dress down with PCA spirit wear or blue shirts. All dress down day rules apply. Students who do not follow dress down day rules will be given a uniform from the uniform closet to change into unless a parent can bring a change of clothes.
Catholic Schools Week is next week! Please see below for the various activities planned for the week.
Dear PCA Families,
Happy Catholic Schools Week! It was great to see so many families and students at the 9 AM Mass yesterday!
Please see below for information about the rest of Catholic Schools Week and our Penny Drive for K-9's United!
Tomorrow is our annual DAY OF GIVING! Please consider donating to PCA! (See more information below! Here is the link to donate:
We will continue with our weekly Adoration on Wednesday, January 31 from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM in the PCA Chapel. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Parents of students in grade 3-8, we have been having some issues with the student bathrooms. Students are overusing paper towels and toilet paper and leaving this paper all over the floor instead of in the garbage can. Also, in the male restrooms, we have been having concerns with urine on the floor and candy wrappers stuffed in the urinals. Please help us by having a conversation with your children regarding keeping the restrooms clean. Students sign out of their classrooms to use the restroom, and we will begin periodic bathroom checks throughout the day.
We encourage all parents to check their children's cell phones regularly! We have been informed that there are several grade level group chats in which students are being very mean to each other. Please help us by checking the phones and ensuring that your child is not part of the negativity. We want our Blue Angels to always encourage others! Also, be sure to check deleted text messages! We can walk you through that process if needed!
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
Happy February!
Catholic Schools Week was a success! Be sure to follow us on Facebook to see photos of our fun-filled week!
We will continue with our weekly Adoration on Wednesday, February 7 from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM in the PCA Chapel. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Dear PCA Families,
We hope you had a great long weekend!
This week is Terranova testing for grades 2-8 on February 20, 21, and 23. PLEASE BE SURE YOUR CHILD IS ON TIME FOR SCHOOL ON THESE DAYS, EATS A GOOD BREAKFAST, AND GETS A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. Please note: late students cannot be permitted into the classroom if a test has begun. They will need to wait in the front office and make up the missed test(s) next week. The Terranova we are using this year is a different one from what we have used in the past. The Diocese has mandated this new version which is based on national standards and college and career readiness standards. As with all standardized tests, there will be difficult questions. Please encourage your child to read through each question and do his/her absolute best, and not be discouraged.
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know!
We will continue with our weekly Adoration on Wednesday in the PCA Chapel from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
We hope you had a blessed weekend!
TerraNova testing went well last week! We will have make-ups this week for students who missed some or all of the testing.
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know!
We will continue with our weekly Adoration on Wednesday in the PCA Chapel from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
We hope you had a nice weekend! Our Eucharist retreat went very well! Please continue to pray for our students receiving their First Communion in May.
As a reminder, this is the week of our Accreditation visit! The visiting team will be on campus all day Tuesday and Wednesday, reviewing evidence, speaking with staff, students, parents, Msgr. Brennan, and Deacon Conway, and observing classrooms. After dismissal on Wednesday, they will present the staff with their exit report. Please pray for us during this time! Please remind your children about the importance of this as well! We know our Blue Angels will make us proud!
Friday, March 8 marks the end of the 3rd quarter! Please be sure to check Renweb (grades 3-8) to review your child's progress. Report cards will be sent home via email on Tuesday, March 19.
There is no school for students on Monday, March 11. Teachers will be attending a Diocesan Professional Development Day at Bishop Kenny with Bishop Pohlmeier.
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Please scroll down to see camp flyers and registration forms!
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know!
Due to the Accreditation visit, we will have our weekly Adoration on FRIDAY this week in the PCA Chapel from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Please do not turn around in our neighboring communities and businesses when you exit the campus to the right after drop off or pick up. We have been getting calls from the communities about this. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation!
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
We hope you enjoyed the long weekend! Congratulations to Mrs. Urso and the entire cast of The Sound of Music- Youth Edition! What a magnificent production! We are so proud of all of you!
Thank you so much for all your prayers last week during our Accreditation visit! It was a huge success! The visiting team was so complimentary of our school, staff and students. We were most especially proud of the high praise we received for our strong Catholic identity. Thank you so much for all your support during this very long process!
It is TPC week! Those of you new to Palmer Catholic Academy, get ready for heavy traffic this week! We ask that you leave yourself extra time in the morning and afternoon for drop-off and pick-up so that you are not late! There will be traffic! We will have early release on Thursday and no school on Friday due to the expected heavy traffic in the area. Remember if you are buying tickets to TPC, please use our code so we can get $40 back to PCA per ticket (see below for more details!).
It is lice season! In order to prevent the spread of lice, please check your child's hair carefully! If you see any lice or eggs, please treat it immediately! Remind your child not to share hats, clothing or brushes with other students. If your child does get lice, please be sure to inform administration so we can ensure the proper procedures are followed at school. It is a good idea for girls to wear their hair up and/or in braids during this lice season. Also, it is helpful to put product in your child's hair each morning. Thank you for your help in preventing the spread of lice at the school!
Friday was the end of the 3rd quarter! Report cards will be sent home via email on Tuesday, March 19. We are officially in the last quarter of the school year! Let's finish strong, Blue Angels!
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Please scroll down to see camp flyers and registration forms!
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know! Interested candidates must have a teaching certificate and catechist training. For more information, please visit the link:
Due to the Lenten Penitential on Wednesday and no school on Friday, we will have our weekly Adoration TODAY (TUESDAY) in the PCA Chapel from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
We hope you enjoyed the long weekend! Only a week and a half to go before we break for Easter! Looking ahead, we will have an early release on Wednesday, March 27 and there will be no Angels After Hours on tthat day. School will be closed on March 28 through April 7. School resumes after Easter on April 8.
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday in the PCA Chapel from 9:30 AM - 2:45 PM. Cleared parents are welcome to participate. If you would like to sign up for some quiet time with Jesus, here is the sign-up link:
It is lice season! In order to prevent the spread of lice, please check your child's hair carefully! If you see any lice or eggs, please treat it immediately! Remind your child not to share hats, clothing or brushes with other students. If your child does get lice, please be sure to inform administration so we can ensure the proper procedures are followed at school. It is a good idea for girls to wear their hair up and/or in braids during this lice season. Also, it is helpful to put product in your child's hair each morning. Thank you for your help in preventing the spread of lice at the school!
Report cards will be sent home via email tomorrow Tuesday, March 19. We are officially in the last quarter of the school year! Let's finish strong, Blue Angels! Please note that 3rd quarter report cards will not have teacher comments unless there was a drop in grade. If you have any questions about your child's grades, please contact the teachers directly.
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Please scroll down to see camp flyers and registration forms!
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know! Interested candidates must have a teaching certificate and catechist training. For more information, please visit the link:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
On behalf of Mrs. Earp and the whole admin team, we wish you a blessed Easter with your families! Enjoy the break and be safe! See you all on April 8!
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Please scroll down to see camp flyers and registration forms!
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know! Interested candidates must have a teaching certificate and catechist training. For more information, please visit the link:
Have a great week, a blessed Easter, and a fabulous break!
Dear PCA Families,
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a beautiful Easter and a fun, relaxing break!
Congratulations to Austin Adee, Ellie Edwards, Matthew DaSilva, Nahan DaSilva, Addie Sacks and Gabby Dache on becoming Catholic! We are so excited for you!
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Please scroll down to see camp flyers and registration forms! CHEER CAMP INFORMATION HAS BEEN ADDED BELOW!
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday. Adoration will begin at 11 AM this week. Please use the link below to sign up for some special time with the Lord:
PLEASE NOTE: Starting April 22, messages sent via Parent Alert will have a new short code.
Please add the new short code 317065 to your saved contact for your school so it does not display as an unknown sender! Thanks!
PCA is in need of a 7th Grade Religion teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for this part-time position, please let me know! Interested candidates must have a teaching certificate and catechist training. For more information, please visit the link:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend!
Congratulations to Monica Begeman on being awarded the 8th Annual Sister Celinie Joubert, SSJ Awards for Catechetical Excellence! She will be celebrated along with the other recipients at a reception with the Bishop next week! Congratulations!
We will be having a dress down day on Wednesday for the OLSS Senior Care Baskets. The theme is western wear - plaid, denim, cowboy boots, etc! ALL DRESS DOWN DAY RULES APPLY! Students who are not in compliance with these rules will need to call home for a change of clothes or get a uniform from the uniform closet to use for the day.
Friday is an early release day. Release times are as follows: PreK-2 @ 12:00 PM, 3-5 @ 12:10 PM, 6-8 @ 12:20 PM. Angels After Hours will be from 12:00 – 3:30.
Friday is our schoolwide retreat day. PLEASE NOTE - WE ARE HAVING OUR CHILDREN'S MASS ON FRIDAY INSTEAD OF THURSDAY THIS WEEK AS PART OF OUR RETREAT DAY. Our retreat theme is We can shine our light. This is also a dress down day; however, each grade is assigned a specific color shirt to wear. Please have your child wear his/her assigned color shirt with appropriate length shorts, jeans, or leggings (only if the shirt reaches mid-thigh). Here are the colors:
Pre-K and 4th grade - RED
Kindergarten and 5th grade - ORANGE
1st grade and 6th grade - YELLOW
2nd grade and 7th grade - BLUE
3rd grade and 8th grade - GREEN
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Follow this link to sign-up:
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday from 9:30-2:45. Please use the link below to sign up for some special time with the Lord:
PLEASE NOTE: Starting April 22, messages sent via Parent Alert will have a new short code.
Please add the new short code 317065 to your saved contact for your school so it does not display as an unknown sender! Thanks!
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families
I hope you had a great weekend!
Our schoolwide retreat was a success! Students participated in Mass, made prayer books for our seminarians, prayed the Rosary, prayed the Stations of the Cross, created prayer rocks with their prayer buddies, and some played Catholic trivia. It was a great day to renew, pray and refresh as we enter the homestretch of the school year!
Parents, if you are able to donate to HSA for teacher appreciation funds, it would be greatly appreciated! Every $50 donation counts for 1 volunteer point! Teacher Appreciation week is the week of May 6th!
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Follow this link to sign-up:
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday from 9:30-2:45. Please use the link below to sign up for some special time with the Lord:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families
I hope you had a great weekend!
Thank you to Ms. Litterine for hosting a beach clean up this weekend with some of our students and parents! They helped to collect 10 pounds of trash in Guana!
As we enter into the month of May, please keep our second and eighth graders in your prayers as they prepare to receive their sacraments this month!
PCA is hiring a School Counselor for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a great candidate for this job, please share this link:
On May 2, after the Children's Mass, our 2nd graders will have their Blessing Cup ceremony.
On May 9, after the Children's Mass, we will have our May Crowning and the HSA social in the concessions area.
On May 16, our Children's Mass will be in Spanish and Fr. Matt will be the celebrant. We will have our Mini-Vinnie's induction after Mass that day.
Yearbook sales are under way! Please see information below about ordering your yearbook!
Parents, if you are able to donate to HSA for teacher appreciation funds, it would be greatly appreciated! Every $50 donation counts for 1 volunteer point! Teacher Appreciation week is the week of May 6th!
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Follow this link to sign-up:
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday from 9:30-2:45. Please use the link below to sign up for some special time with the Lord:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! We are so grateful for all our wonderful staff at PCA! Thank you to all who donated to the luncheon this week and also to those who sent in items to stock the lounge! See below for more information! Parents, if you can help in any way this week, please sign up for a slot:
Parents, if you are able to donate to HSA for teacher appreciation funds, it would be greatly appreciated! Every $50 donation counts for 1 volunteer point! Teacher Appreciation week is the week of May 6th!
PCA is seeking nominations for open School Board member positions for the 2024-2025 school year. We encourage you to consider serving in this capacity. Please see more information below on the nominating form.
As we enter into the month of May, please keep our second and eighth graders in your prayers as they prepare to receive their sacraments this month!
PCA is hiring a School Counselor for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a great candidate for this job, please share this link:
This week after the Children's Mass, we will have our May Crowning and the HSA social in the concessions area. PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD BRING IN A FLOWER FOR MARY ON THURSDAY!
On May 16, our Children's Mass will be in Spanish and Fr. Matt will be the celebrant. We will have our Mini-Vinnie's induction after Mass that day.
Books are selling fast! There is only one week left to order and reserve your 2023-2024 PCA Yearbook using our online store at using School ID: 718362.
We are selling books until we are sold out, so be sure you purchase and reserve yours now! After the online store closes, if books are still available you may use the printa order form attached below and send in a check payable to Palmer Catholic Academy.
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Follow this link to sign-up:
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday from 9:30-2:45. Please use the link below to sign up for some special time with the Lord:
Have a great week!
Dear PCA Families
A HUGE thank you to all the families who donated to Teacher Appreciation Week! Our staff felt the love with all the delicious food and treats that were sent in! Our teacher's lounge is stocked with lots of goodies to get us through the end of the year! Thank you again for your generosity!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Gillen and all the 8th graders who took the Algebra 1 EOC last week! ALL 24 STUDENTS PASSED THIS HIGH SCHOOL EXAM!
PCA is seeking nominations for open School Board member positions for the 2024-2025 school year. We encourage you to consider serving in this capacity. Please see more information below on the nominating form.
PCA is hiring a School Counselor for the 2024-2025 school year. If you know anyone who would be a great candidate for this job, please share this link:
Our Children's Mass this week will be in Spanish and Fr. Matt will be the celebrant. We will have our Mini-Vinnie's induction after Mass that day.
Summer Camp sign-up is underway! Follow this link to sign-up:
We will have our weekly Adoration on Wednesday from 9:30-2:45. Please use the link below to sign up for some special time with the Lord:
HSA would love your feedback on the past year. Please fill out the following survey and you will receive 1 volunteer point for your time! Please complete by this Friday, May 17th.
Have a great week!